Friday, November 2, 2012

You're Fired!

You're (indirectly) Fired!
I never realized when I went to see my doctor that afternoon that I would never return again. My blood pressure was through the roof and I'd started having minor blackouts. I say minor - one night I had no idea how I got home from work (remember it was 50 miles one way!). I was over fatigued, stressed out, and had started having a lot of pain in my knees and back.

Some of my Rx's!
Two weeks into my FMLA (family medical leave act) my boss managed to fire me indirectly by hiring  a permanent replacement for my job. Yes I know that legally he couldn't do that, but then again he never was much for those "pesky" HR regulations. By the time I had to appear in front of a judge to fight for the unemployment my now former employer was withholding (yes I won the case) I'd discovered I had torn meniscus (cartilage) in both knees and a disc bulge in my lower back. Plus some minor injuries to my neck and elbow. I was using a cane and knee braces. Physical therapy wasn't helping and I was recommended for surgery, epidurals, cortisone injections, electro therapies and a lot of medications. I lived at the doctors while my worker's comp attorney played me for the naive fool I was and only did his job when I demanded it.
R.I.P. Beau 2004 - 2009
Soon I was faced with bills and living expenses I couldn't pay and had no idea how I was going to manage. Then my precious dog, Beau died unexpectedly and that was the quintessential "straw that broke the camel's back." Somewhere in the black fog I celebrated my 40th birthday - making me the recipient of every over-the-hill joke and gag gift my friends could find, including an actual hospital body bag... It would have been funnier if it hadn't been so TRUE. I was an old lady. A dozen meds and counting - even my dear late grandma never took so many meds and she was 80! Shortly thereafter, I had to give notice to my landlord and realized my life of fierce independence was over. It was too much to bear...

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1 comment:

  1. Moved to tears by your posts. Raw, open, truth shown as few are courageous enough to reveal. This could change a life or save one. Blessings on all your endeavors to make yours and someone else's world a better place.
