...But I am getting ahead of myself.
We have heard the terms "more to love," a "few extra pounds," "pleasingly plump," heavy-set, chunky...we have so many euphemisms for fatness. It's like a social denial of the truth - our arteries are clogged, are heart overworked, our blood flow is sluggish, our immune system compromised and 67% of us are just plain FAT. Stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions like acid reflux, high blood pressure, and insomnia can be traced back to poor diet, nutritionally compromised food sources and questionable water supplies. But does that make us
helpless? We see the train coming but say we're too busy or too tired to move out of harms way.
I suffered from 6 of these. How about you? |
Obesity has become a national pastime and it's "cure" a gabillion (that means a whole lot) dollar industry. We find it easier to eat pre-packaged foods, get the fat vacuumed out, staple our stomachs, wear Spanx, or try the latest Hollywood starvation diet. To make matters worse we are bombarded with food at every turn. Ads, billboards, commercials, the office, corner markets, sporting events, movie theaters, fast-food joints...some don't even try to veil the truth, (like the popular burger joint, Fatburger). We make fun of fat, capitalize on fat, and die of fat. Obesity has become more than an epidemic, it's an obsession, and I was an addict...
In the mornings, suffering from sleep deprivation and desperation, I stopped at the McDonalds (they put the creme and sugar in your coffee for you which is far more convenient than trying to balance tiny pots of creamer and steaming coffee with one hand while speeding down the 405 freeway with the other). If I was especially dreading the 50-mile commute, I'd order a cinnamon bun too. At work, I'd throw down my purse, order a latte, and cram down anything the morning chefs had on hand before dashing off to set up an event or meet with a client. I missed a lot of meals but always made up for it with a muffin or bagel on my way home or Happy Hour with colleagues when I could.
The Sports Club/LA - Irvine
now Equinox Sports Club |
Now, I'm not sure that it is in my best interest to mention that my office was located inside of a upscale private health club (hence the access to a restaurant, cafe, and bar)... I know. The irony. But that further proves the point that we simply make our lives too busy and are too tired to make better choices. I was one floor away from some of the best trainers, equipment, and exercise classes that money can buy, but my priorities were screwed up and my health was paying the price. Keeping the boss happy was more important than looking after myself. So, as it happens, just when I thought things couldn't get worse - they did. I sustained back and knee injuries on the job and before I knew it, was out on disability.
We all make excuses - Until it's too late. |